Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grow a Cow?!

Not one of my proudest moments to be sure.  I was asked to speak to the 4H volunteers at their recognition banquet last night. I teach a class on Monday night and the banquet is scheduled for later in the evening so it seemed like a good fit. I am not all that sure this morning. I was hoping to make a point about how 4H teaches kids patience when I think I actually asked the crowd "How long does it take to grow a cow?". Yep, go ahead and read that again. The look on the Winona County Commissioners face was priceless.  Most of what I know about farm life I soak up by osmosis from my co-worker, Ann.  I should have run my speech by her.  We did get past the obvious fact that I am a city girl and had a great time talking about all of the life skills kids learn in 4H.  I shared my big idea about rescuing childhood and they were all gracious enough to let me take a picture of them to share on my city slicker blog. Grow a cow? I may never live that down. I salute the amazing volunteers I met last night in 4H! Thank You!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katy... if it makes you feel any better, I don't think your question is odd at all - and I grew up on a farm! I know what you meant! Plus, if we can "grow the economy" and "grow corn" and even "grow children" (look, there's a website: www.growachild.org) then surely we can "grow cows" too!! :-)
