Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Winona Rotary Club

They SING at Rotary! Oh! To have been born blessed with a singing voice!

I lip synced as I often do in public at the Rotary Club luncheon today during "In the Good Old Summer Time". It is better for everyone when I do. There is nothing worse than exuberant, off key singing. I was so happy to be invited out to lunch to share my TOY story with the fine group of Rotarians at Westfield. Sometimes I feel like Winona is small enough to know everyone and then I am invited to hang out outside of my usual circle, like the Rotary Club.  What warmed my heart though was knowing at least one person at each table. It is those kinds of connections that make for a wonderful community to raise children.  Kids do better when adults take the time to get to know one another in clubs, around the quilting table, on soccer fields, in churches, and in schools. Adults do better too.  Thank you for the invitation, the kind introduction, and the opportunity to thank you for the work you do in our community.

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