Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Space Camp 2

It's all about the missions at Space Camp.  You practice them to get comfortable in your roles because when you put that flight suit on, it's all business.  Missions build teams, collaboration and when they are completed, a pure sense of accomplishment.  There were so many parallels to what I was learning at Space Camp to my work at school.  Space Camp was indeed growing on me.  I worked with a wonderful team of teachers to form "Team Harmony".  We represented the United States, Singapore and Australia.

I knew about the Parade of Nations for more than a year and agonized over my costume for nearly every month of that year.  I avoided the expected, a Minnesota Twin, a Viking and a hot dish (although this one had captured my creative side).  I knew I could easily pull off a pretty convincing Bob Dylan or Mary Richards.  I had some excellent suggestions from other folks, some were pretty amazing and then it struck me.  I knew she was the perfect blend of Minnesota and of me....

That's right, Betty Crocker!  Right there beside Brad from Wisconsin, Julie from the Ocean state of Rhode Island, and just barely Paul from Michigan. It was a rich and fudgy moment for me to represent Minnesota's hospitality as this American icon.

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