Friday, September 28, 2012

On The Banks of Plum Creek!

Months and months ago, when I was just saying yes to everything and worrying about it later, I said yes to a very kind email from Doug Nelson to speak to educators in Tracy, MN.  I will give you a minute to open a new page in map-quest and see just how far Tracy is from Winona......I was nearly at the border of South Dakota!! Considering that I start any journey just minutes away from the Wisconsin border, this road trip was not for the faint at heart.  There were plenty of cows to count and I played "Going on a Picnic" with myself just to pass the time.  I was really wondering about the whole deal when I came upon Walnut Grove.  Walnut Grove....a place I dreamed about growing up in with millions of other kids totally in love with the Ingalls family so beautifully written about by dear Laura.

I don't know why I got all teary but I did.  I devoured those books one right after another and loved them all. I got to the museum with 10 minutes to spare before closing time.  In all my years as a Minnesotan, I had never been to Walnut Grove, until this week. It was worth the drive to throw a shout out to Laura in my shiny high heels there, on the banks of Plum Creek.

I also had the opportunity to meet and school a whole cafeteria full of great teachers from the surrounding area at their fall drive-in. I was worried about keeping teachers engaged after a long day at work and bellies full of Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy! I met some really nice folks way out there in Ingalls country.  After I was done, I kinda thought about driving to the Corn Palace....heck, I had come so far already!

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