Monday, May 28, 2012
I WAS on "ellen" Today!
I have always wanted to be a guest on "ellen". I often fantasize about subbing for her if she ever gets sick or just needs a break from her work life. The dancing part would freak me out a bit but the games, the guests, the contests, the music, and the good fun on her show would be such a great way to spend my working hours! Today, I was kind of a guest on her show....if being a guest in a photograph counts! By the time I check into the old folks home, you just know that this photo appearance will morph into an actual guest appearance and I will talk about my time with ellen as "just like visiting with a good friend". Unless she asks me to come, in person, before I check into that old folks home....hey, it could happen! I will practice my dance moves and wait for the call.
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend for us always includes a date with a U Haul. We are estimating fifteen moves between our three daughters to college and now into lives of their own. To her credit, this one was pretty easy and quick but hot. Erin is an official resident of Northeast Minneapolis. Her new address is the very same address where her dad and I met in Winona. How weird is that? The address turned out to be a pretty lucky one for us, we hope you find lots of happiness at your own 620.
Because of crazy rain this weekend, this Memorial Day included a baseball game. Coach loves baseball and his field. I affectionately call the baseball field "Winnie" and never need to wonder where my husband is on beautiful summer days. I am always so proud of the work he does on and off the field with young men who share a love of the game with him. Congrats on a great season Winhawks!
And most importantly, Memorial Day is a time to reflect and to appreciate those who have served our country. Thank you.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Deal of the Day!
It is starting to look more and more like summer around here. On my way home yesterday, I was charmed by these two young entrepreneurs and their irresistible deal on a car wash. 25 cents, really? The fine print sealed the deal for me. It read "if you don't want to pay, you can get the car wash free", wow! I have had lots of windshield time lately and the bug guts to prove it. These boys worked on the front of my car with a broom, the hose, and finally washcloths from the bathroom (sorry Mom) for a solid twenty minutes. I paid them $1.60 for their efforts.
Stop. Stop at lemonade stands, at kool-aid stands, and at car washes, even when you know the lemonade will be kinda warm and the kool aid tragically under sweetened. I so appreciate the kids who are willing to make their own fun and organize a project with nothing but hope and a hose in hand. My car looks way better, the washcloth....toast.
Stop. Stop at lemonade stands, at kool-aid stands, and at car washes, even when you know the lemonade will be kinda warm and the kool aid tragically under sweetened. I so appreciate the kids who are willing to make their own fun and organize a project with nothing but hope and a hose in hand. My car looks way better, the washcloth....toast.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I was honored to be invited to the spring meeting of the Early Childhood Initiative in Owatonna. ECI is one arm of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation headed by President Tim Penny. This, a partial mission statement from their website
As a community, we succeed when:
- Our children are ready to go to kindergarten
- Early success leads to higher achievement, less grade retention & higher graduation rates
- Adult workers have skills that sustain a growing economy
The Foundation strives for these results.
These fine professionals represent twenty communities in the southern cluster of the initiative. We had a great conversation about the future of parent education, the state of childhood, and the importance of creating an advocacy network as parent education evolves. I left the building with lots of support from the group to organize a summit of professionals interested in parent education, especially in greater Minnesota. I am all over it and I am taking names! Many thanks to the Initiative for the work they do!
Whenever I find myself in a community where I know a teacher, I love to stop by and read. I had a great time in Eric Oppegard's fifth grade classroom. You will remember Eric as one of the finalists for the 2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. I played twenty questions with his class. They had to solve the mystery of who I was and why I was visiting their classroom. Both classes did it before they hit twenty! Yeah. I had "I Want My Hat Back" in the car and wondered if 10 year olds would like it....they did. We read it twice. I took a picture of me with Mr. O for the blog.....
OK, this isn't us. The picture we took of us is just awful...AWFUL! It was at least 90 degrees in the classroom and nearly 100 degrees outside. I was sweaty hot and Mr. O looks....well hot, in a temperature kind of way too. It takes an enormous amount of energy to keep a room full of 10 year olds entertained and by the end of the hour, it looked like Mr. O and I had supervised a field trip of Labrador puppies. On a much better day, Mr. O and I looked like this...not that different than how Don and Colleen looked in the 90's.
Thanks Eric! I loved visiting your classroom. The community of Owatonna is lucky to have you. Thanks for being a teacher.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Thanks PTA
I work with a dedicated hard working PTA here at ECFE. They had a dream of replacing the chairs in the parent education room. We talked about it for nearly two years and then, one day, BOOM! DONE! Parents are loving them. They.. sit nicely... and really...suppo..rt...your...neck...zzzz...huh? I am really going to have to up my game to keep sleep deprived parents awake in these uber comfy chairs! Phase two of the room makeover is complete...stay tuned for updates. Thank you EVERYONE for the wonderful support you give our program.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Winona Rotary Club
They SING at Rotary! Oh! To have been born blessed with a singing voice!
I lip synced as I often do in public at the Rotary Club luncheon today during "In the Good Old Summer Time". It is better for everyone when I do. There is nothing worse than exuberant, off key singing. I was so happy to be invited out to lunch to share my TOY story with the fine group of Rotarians at Westfield. Sometimes I feel like Winona is small enough to know everyone and then I am invited to hang out outside of my usual circle, like the Rotary Club. What warmed my heart though was knowing at least one person at each table. It is those kinds of connections that make for a wonderful community to raise children. Kids do better when adults take the time to get to know one another in clubs, around the quilting table, on soccer fields, in churches, and in schools. Adults do better too. Thank you for the invitation, the kind introduction, and the opportunity to thank you for the work you do in our community.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Teacher Appreciation Week in Osseo
When you ask the ECFE staff in Winona to gather, we fit nicely around the lunch table. I was amazed to see how big the staff is in Osseo and so delighted to be invited to visit. The Osseo ECFE PTA had rolled out the red carpet and some fantastic food in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week. I timed it perfectly to join the staff just in time for lunch, what a treat! I spent some time with the staff sharing my teacher of the year story and some of my concerns about childhood. We had fun, we laughed, we cried, and we enjoyed our time together. This ECFE is full of caring, dedicated teachers.
I was treated to dinner with a smaller group of teachers before I spoke to the community at Maple Grove Junior High. It is heartwarming to see babies, moms, dads, teachers and grandparents all in the same room because they all care about kids. I loved my time in Osseo and was treated to the most beautiful sunset of the spring on my way home. Thank you, Sally for the invitation!
I was treated to dinner with a smaller group of teachers before I spoke to the community at Maple Grove Junior High. It is heartwarming to see babies, moms, dads, teachers and grandparents all in the same room because they all care about kids. I loved my time in Osseo and was treated to the most beautiful sunset of the spring on my way home. Thank you, Sally for the invitation!
Happy Motors Day!!
I suppose she was in third grade when my oldest daughter gave me this handmade refrigerator magnet. I remember being so happy to get a gift that she had made and then I saw it. My oldest daughter is a freak about all things grammatical. I am not sure when she realized that she had written motors instead of Mother's but I remember that it took awhile. Nearly twenty years later, the magnet hangs on my fridge and we still call it Motors Day around here. I hope you had a lovely one!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thank You Lincoln Center PTA
I met Erin Tracy last year at the Minnesota State PTA Conference. She worked tirelessly to have me come to her school. The PTA was fantastic! They put on a wonderful spread of bars and fruit, they invited an interpreter to join us, and rolled out the red carpet for me and the parents who spent the evening at school. I was so happy that Superintendent Dr. Dave Webb introduced me and stayed for the whole evening. Powerful things happen in schools when parents, students, teachers and administrators all work toward a common goal. I needed to scoot out early and Dr. Dave facilitated the discussion after I left. He called the next morning to tell me how happy he was to have been there and to have connected with parents in a commitment to community parenting. It was a wonderful evening! Thanks for making it happen Erin and thanks for the "rock star" parking! I hope to see you all again.
Connecting With My Girls
This kind of thing happens more and more often. We Smith women laugh alike, talk alike, and even dress alike at times. It has been wonderful to be in the cities much more often this year to catch them for dinner or a quick visit before I head down river. I was able to get in lots of quality time with them this week.
We share the same taste in moccasins and music! James Morrison was fantastic at the Fitzgerald theater. It was Erin's idea to celebrate Mother's Day with a concert (at this point in her life, asking me to attend was my Mother's Day gift...I still had to pay for the tickets!). In order to make it she needed to attend my community presentation at Lincoln Elementary Center in South St. Paul. So fun to have her there! Erin continues to campaign shamelessly to be my favorite child and many days of the year, she is!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
It looks kind of scary to be an avatar, and rightly so! Gay Mortensen, our district's "Can Do Gal" has been working on a project to promote our great school district on the "Visit Winona" website. She asked me to be the avatar. Lots of reading, pausing, reading and acting natural (ha!). When I was named Minnesota Teacher of the Year, Gay was in charge of making sure that everyone knew it! Gay has been as excited about each step of the journey and so supportive of me that I would do anything for her....including being an avatar! Thank you Gay!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Miles To Go Before I Sleep!
You would think that the last post featuring the 2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year would be a fine place to end the blog journey, wouldn't you? The fact is, I have a long way to go in representing this old state of ours! I travel with the National State Teachers of the Year until early October of 2012. We have trips to Atlanta, New Jersey and New York City on the calendar, and Space Camp to boot! I will blog till the finish for you and for me. I am so happy to have made a record of this journey. I would have never remembered it all! My next adventure is my trip with the Global Learning Fellows from the National Education Association Foundation to China! Stay tuned, there is much more to share with you!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year
I am so proud to introduce you to Jackie Roehl, the 2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Jackie teaches English at Edina High School. Jackie is immersed in equity and is deeply committed to closing the academic achievement gap. Jackie believes that all students can achieve at high levels. She is passionate and inspiring. I wish her the best as she creates her own journey as Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Go Jackie!
Meet Nine Remarkable Teachers
Bruce Danielson teaches math at Cambridge-Isanti High School. He is warm and genuine and tells a great story! I would love to, at 52, sit in on a math class with Bruce. I think I might actually get it!
Robyn Dettling Madson teaches English at Forest Lake High School. She is sharp and witty and willing to share her dessert! I would love to watch Robyn teach the art of argument and debate in her classroom.
Ryan Canton teaches U.S. History at St. Michael-Albertville Middle School West. He is energetic and enthusiastic and makes history come to life with primary source documents of his own! I know I would be amazed at how Ryan incorporates technology into his teaching life.
Eric Oppegard teaches 5th grade at Lincoln Elementary School in Owatonna (three cheers for the Big 9!). Eric is kind and sincere and has a deep commitment to getting involved in the lives of kids. I know I would feel loved and cared for in his classroom.
Neil Eerdmans teaches 3rd grade at Oxbow Creek Elementary School in the Anoka Hennepin School District. His energy and joy brings light to every room he enters. He is a walking tribute to his mom who I was honored to meet. I am certain I would feel BBA in Neil's classroom.
David Borash teaches social studies at Brainerd High School. David feels deep roots and a commitment to the people in his home town of Brainerd. No one appreciates his work from the booth at Paul Bunyan Land more than I do. I would love to learn how to budget in his classroom.
Greg Goddard teaches AP and IB Psychology at St. Louis Park High School. Greg goes out of his way for students and takes the time to form meaningful relationships with them. I am certain I would be asked to take a lap in his classroom.
Christy Anderson teaches 5th grade math at O.H. Anderson Elementary School in Mahtomedi. Christy passionately leans into life, in and out of the classroom. I would love to be in her classroom to watch her create a rap about math.
Joe Meyer teaches language arts at Eagle Ridge Junior High School in the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District. Joe is a creative teacher and a powerful communicator. I would love to be in his classroom on Friday for "Joke Time".
Saturday, May 5, 2012
A Big Day!
It was such a big day for ten of the state's finest teachers and I was honored to interview them. Each one had a compelling teaching story and a passion for the work they do in their classroom. I am so proud to be a teacher and more inspired to do the work I do in my classroom to the best of my abiltiy. For now, I have a secret!! Usually, when folks ask me if they can tell me a secret, I advise them not to. I struggle with impulse control nearly every day of my life and keeping a secret is just too much for me! I did it though...for several hours even! Someone else knows my secret......
Meet Ryan Vernosh, 2010 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Ryan and I finally got to spend a little time together today. Ryan is a someone who has been very supportive of me and has been more than willing to answer my questions about the journey all along the way. Ryan served as the teacher of the year while raising two very little girls and I admire him very much for that. I really don't know how he and his wife did it! Ryan is a mover and a shaker and I have a feeling Minnesota is just beginning to see what Ryan is made of.

There is just no way to get through this intense, stressful, exciting day without rich desserts and there was no shortage of them here at the hotel. I was so happy to see them! I will reintroduce myself to my favorite eliptical machine in a few days, I promise. But seriously, how do you expect me to pass on my crown, keep secrets and be pleasant about it without a piece of red velvet cake?
I am flying solo this weekend while Coach Smith makes sense of the world on a baseball diamond so it was nice to be invited to dinner! Congrats to Robyn, Eric, and Joe, three of the finalists, great teachers and super cool people! I am logging off, time to write a speech! Tomorrow is another BIG DAY!
TOY Practice
So great to be able to hang out informally with the Top 10 Finalists last night. They are all excited to be here and busy defining what the class of 2012 will look like. They will spend the whole day together getting to know one another and cheering each other on as they interview. Later in the day they will have a media training taught by Doug Dooher. I am looking forward to being on the other side of the interview table today and getting to know 10 teachers well. Good luck to each and every one of you!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Target Headquarters
I was so delighted to be asked to share my TOY experience with the team at Target! I love Target, always have, always will. Target is a generous corporate sponsor of the National Teacher of the Year program. I wanted to give them an idea about what the program looks like in Minnesota. I was treated like an honored guest. I loved the tour of the campus (what an amazing place!) and the opportunity to share some stories, a song or two and a few of my favorite books with the team. Target is Minnesota, Teachers are Minnesota, and the partnership is making schools better all across our state. Cheers to our future together. Thanks Target and Happy Birthday! 50 looks really good on you!!
Checking In!!
I have arrived at the Northland Inn, home of the Minnesota Teacher of the Year weekend and banquet. I am so excited to meet the 10 finalists for the 2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. It doesn't seem at all possible that a year has gone by already. I am feeling a little emotional about passing on the crown (still! no crown) to another teacher. Seems like I have just gotten into the groove of it all. So much to do this weekend and some really amazing teachers to meet. Stay tuned! I will keep you all posted (what DID we do without the internet?!). I wont go to bed without telling you about my amazing day at Target Headquarters and the sweet little kindergartners I met in St. Paul.....
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A Bill Becomes Law
Five teachers from Winona (four from the district and one who works at the Capitol) were on hand to watch as one teacher's story became a Minnesota law. It was thrilling to see history happen in front of our eyes. There were lots of folks who carried the baton in the long relay from an injustice to bipartisan support for a bill to make things right for teachers who serve in the military. I feel honored to have carried the baton for one leg of the relay. I will always believe in the power of a story and the power of listening and being heard, it really is how real change happens.
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