Monday, October 31, 2011

Homage to Mr. Rogers

Morro and Tansy stopped by today! It is always great to see what creative project Morro has been working on. This week it was Tansy's Statue of Liberty costume....soooo cool! They almost didn't recognize me as Mr. Rogers. I have made lots of people look twice today and yes, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Happy Halloween

I just wanted to make a plug for trick or treating in your own neighborhood.  Here in Winona, there are about a dozen opportunities to dress up and gather candy thanks to many amazing community organizations and two universities.  I hope that if a neighbor has a light on that parents make sure to visit them. Halloween is a great opportunity for kids to have a conversation with friendly adults and to practice manners. Your neighbors, especially those without kids are looking forward to seeing your little ghosts and goblins tonight.  Have fun and be safe!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Say Cheese!

If you know me, you know that I hate to have my picture taken. I want to thank Tammy Hoeger for taking one picture of me that I actually like. Tammy is my neighbor and an ECFE mom. Almost a year ago, neither of us had any idea that this picture would have a life outside of the back of my state portfolio. Now it greets you as you come into Winona on a billboard! I will absolutely draw the line on bathroom advertising! It really is touching how supportive my school district, my fellow union members and my community have been. Never in a million years would I have imagined my mug on a billboard! 

Thanks St. Kates!

Even after mid-terms this was a fantastic, high energy group of athletes and coaches to work with.  Thanks St. Kate's!

The Hand Off!

It's done. It's been written, proofed, proofed again, and proofed one last time for good measure and just to be sure, it was proofed again! My National Teacher of the Year portfolio is finished.  Doug Dooher from Education Minnesota met me last night and St. Kate's and I handed it off to him.  He is in charge of getting it to Washington DC by next week. I am happy, happy, happy to be done with it.  Lots of people over the years have suggested that I write a book. NOPE, no thanks, I think I will pass.  I can tell a great story but writing it all down does me in. I couldn't have done it without my dear Glenda, she has the patience of a saint and can make making bullets and margins look easy.  I had a team of proofers, including Lisa and Anne.  Thanks for your help everyone! I am off now to read a book or sweep the front step or throw a load of laundry in.....anything but write!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Professional Conference Highlights

I am so sad that I didn't get a picture with three of my fellow top 10 finalists, Mark, Scot and Joyce.  We had fun participating on a panel for brand new teachers.  It was great to see my friends again! I heard some great stories (one about a crate to behind ratio) and we shared some fantastic tips for surviving that first year of teaching.  We were whisked away to the main ballroom where I was seated on the stage with friends from Education Minnesota and Donna Brazile.  The empty seat on the stage was reserved for Governor Dayton. I was nervous about my speech being too long so I started by asking if I could have the Governors minutes when a shout came from across the room that he was there!  I invited him to join me at the podium and presented him with some talking points and an invitation to lunch.....

He said YES!! He was such a good sport and more than gracious.  I look forward to our lunch and the opportunity to share my big ideas with him.  Donna Brazile asked me to let her know when the lunch date happens so she could Tweet about it nationally, that gal can TWEET!!  She was the perfect keynote speaker for the event.  She loves politics almost as much as she loves educators.  She told some wonderful stories and inspired us all.  I look forward to reading her book!

There was plenty of time to mix and mingle as well. The folks at McDonalds were so happy to see me and Matt.  Matt's cousin is a Ronald McDonald so we were treated like rock stars. I can't tell you who the cousin is, there is a code to uphold!

I can't say enough about Doug Dooher.  He has been such a great mentor to me throughout this whole adventure. He has been through this process many times before.  He is patient and kind and he knows where all the goodies are and no one appreciates that more than Matt! Thanks Doug! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lunch with the Governor!

Many more details and pictures to come but for now......

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Think Good Thoughts!

If you are a blog follower of mine (hey, sign on and commit!) I am hoping that you can take a minute tomorrow and send good thoughts my way.  I will be delivering a speech to all assembled at the Education Minnesota Professional Conference....a crowd that will likely be bigger than any I see here in my little corner of the state!  I am on sometime between 11:30 and 12:00 and will be sharing the stage with Governor Dayton.  Go Big or Go Home, right?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grow a Cow?!

Not one of my proudest moments to be sure.  I was asked to speak to the 4H volunteers at their recognition banquet last night. I teach a class on Monday night and the banquet is scheduled for later in the evening so it seemed like a good fit. I am not all that sure this morning. I was hoping to make a point about how 4H teaches kids patience when I think I actually asked the crowd "How long does it take to grow a cow?". Yep, go ahead and read that again. The look on the Winona County Commissioners face was priceless.  Most of what I know about farm life I soak up by osmosis from my co-worker, Ann.  I should have run my speech by her.  We did get past the obvious fact that I am a city girl and had a great time talking about all of the life skills kids learn in 4H.  I shared my big idea about rescuing childhood and they were all gracious enough to let me take a picture of them to share on my city slicker blog. Grow a cow? I may never live that down. I salute the amazing volunteers I met last night in 4H! Thank You!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

PAC Board

Without a doubt, one of my favorite associations in Education Minnesota is my membership on the Political Action Committee.  I represent the southeastern corner of the state in all things political.  I enjoy getting to know candidates as they campaign for office and I enjoy building relationships with legislators. The PAC board met this past weekend.  We were given a map of Minnesota highlighting all of the school districts who will be asking voters to approve a referendum.  There are more than 130 of them! This is a hard working group and I appreciate the thoughtful deliberation and great commitment to B-20 education represented here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Out Visiting!

You never know how people feel about drop ins unless you just put it out there.  I really was in the neighborhood when I called top 10 finalist Laura Sharp to see if she was as excited to see me as I was to see her.  I think she was. As it happens, Laura was gearing up for a birthday party the next day.  I got to meet her three adorable sons and her parents.  Always equipped with smelly markers, the kids and I did some drawing while Laura and I visited as much as one can visit with four kids under six in the room (the neighbor girl was over to play). The best part of my visit was jumping with the kids in the bounce house that was set up for the party the next day. It was great to bounce and laugh with kids, what a day brightener.  Aaron, her almost six year old invited me to stay for the party, how cute is that? I think the invite came after the kids realized how much higher they launched having a grown up in the bounce house. It was great to see you , Laura and so nice to meet your family.  Happy Birthday Aaron!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So You Think You Can Teach!

My friend and fellow teacher, Mrs. Yess, invited me to visit with her second graders here at Goodview School.  I told them all about my new role as Minnesota Teacher of the Year.  Mrs. Yess had an idea based on a TV show she had watched called "So You Think You Can Dance".  The second graders are wondering about the teacher of the year. "So You Think You Can Teach" combines teaching and a challenge.  After much discussion about my new role, the second graders came up with a list of things they would expect a teacher of the year to be able to teach them.  Some of them are right up my alley!  I will be happy to sculpt kitties out of clay and make a whistle sound with an acorn.  I will have to do some homework too. Building a 3-D elephant will be a challenge and explaining to a group of second graders about how the middle school house system works will be interesting for sure. We read "Wag" and very much enjoyed making wagging motions with our fingers. Thanks for the invitation Mrs. Yess, I will do my best to earn my stripes!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dr. David Walsh

This is me with Dr. David Walsh.  When I told the parents in my classes that I was meeting with him, my excitement was obvious.  I got some pretty interesting feedback from them..."Try not to gush" and "Just don't cry when you see him" were two of my favorites.  Everyone in my classes graduates with a knowledge of Dr. Dave and the work that he has done on behalf of children and parents.  Without a doubt, his work at the National Institute on Media and Family shaped my practice as a parent educator.  In his work, I found the legs to stand on when teaching parents about the REAL effects of media on their child's brain, their child's behavior and the tone in their homes.  So much of the curriculum I deliver to parents about media and video games belongs to Dr, Walsh. I can't count the number of times I have watched "Meet CJ" all over the state.  I owe him a debt of gratitude.  With all sincerity, I told him that I believe that his work has changed the way parents set boundaries around media in Winona and beyond.  I read his latest book this summer called "Smart Parenting, Smarter Kids".  It is another great source of information and sure to be on the class list here in Winona. His website is one I have bookmarked and one I highly recommend.

I wanted to meet with Dave (I think I can call him that now) to bounce some ideas off of him.  I have been busy speaking to lots of Minnesotans with a big idea.  I believe the culture of childhood has changed and that children need champions to help families take it back.  I think it is doable but I was looking for some head nodding and fist bumping from Dave, a source of wisdom and a powerhouse of research, to confirm what I believe.  I got it!  The boost of confidence is just what I needed as I tackle my national portfolio. Thanks Dr. David Walsh, my mentor and my friend!

Hmmm, it wasn't until after I uploaded the picture that I noticed the Gandhi quote on the window....coincidence?  I don't think so.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Big Ideas in Dodge County

For six years,I have been having a conversation with parents in Dodge County at their annual Parent Resource Fair.  Every year, I go and every year they invite me back.  I love these people! Dodge Center, Kasson, and Mantorville are like so many towns in Greater Minnesota, connected, caring and kind of places.  They are with me in my belief that childhood needs to be rescued by the grown ups who have the best interest of children at heart.  We had a great time talking about the importance of free play and the role (or non role) that parents play in fostering a child's imagination.  We took a look at some of the hot toys likely to be on the shelves this holiday season with a "what's best for kids" filter. Most parents are concerned with how many toys their kids have.  After last night, I expect some serious decluttering in Dodge County. It's a big idea.....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Award Winning Byron

I was asked to speak to the teachers and administrators in Byron yesterday.  I was given 20-30 minutes (torture, pure torture!) to share my experience as Minnesota Teacher of the Year and give them a snippet of  my message to Minnesotans.  I felt like I was in an aerobics class after I was done.  Clearly, condensing my message will be something I need to work on!  It's really hard to inspire people to rescue childhood in just a few minutes.  I was so impressed with Byron.  The school is beautiful, the staff is warm and welcoming and they are wonderfully supportive of one another. They are celebrating their recent 2011 Intel School of Distinction Award.  Congrats Byron!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Winona Education Association hosted a meeting last night for members who are curious or already committed to the work we do as a union.  It was a great evening at our beautiful Winona History Center.  I serve as an Executive Board member and the Government Relations Chairperson.  After the meeting, a few of us were chatting about how much we do in our community.  We all know that you don't have to know everything to get involved.  We all teach different subjects in different buildings but agree that we are better teachers because of our connections. Thanks to Janet Luttmers, our WEA President, for a fun and informative meeting!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Grand Marshall!

I was asked to be the Grand Marshall of our Homecoming parade last Friday.  Armed with "Teacher of the Year" pencils and a beautiful convertible, I was ready to go.  Only I can't throw with any accuracy at all.  You would think that after all these years of living with a baseball guy I might have acquired some skill, nope. I apologize to all those Winonan's I accidentally hit with a pencil. I did have the good sense not to sharpen them before the parade. My friend and ECFE alumni, Charlotte was participating in the parade with her school, W-K.  Charlotte is a kindergartner and really lights up a room, just like her mom. Thanks Jan for the ride!  I had a blast.

The Big City

I had the opportunity to meet the Governing Board of Education Minnesota on Saturday.  I was given ten minutes to talk which is like being asked to run a mile in under eight minutes.....impossible for me!!  I gave them an outline about what I have been talking about with Minnesotans for years.  I am worried that we, all of us grown ups, have retooled childhood in ways that are not in the best interest of children.  It is a bold idea, I know but in my heart of hearts, I know it to be true.  Much more on that later, for now.....Thank you Governing Board for your warm reception and for your encouragement.